Case Study: Family's Journey to Sleep Success

Case Study: Family's Journey to Sleep Success

Here at The Sleep Teacher, we know first-hand just how exhausting unstable sleep can be, Not only for our little ones, but for mum and dad too! 

We’ve been there ourselves and it's tough, there’s no denying it. That’s why when we hear our clients' success stories, we are over the moon! Nailing an effective sleep routine is just as much a win for us as it is for you.

When Cassie, mum of two, reached out to the team to share her sleep journey, we were overjoyed by her progress. Understanding that many parents are most likely finding themselves in the same position that Cassie was in 12 months ago, we asked if we could share her story with our readers and she was happy to oblige. 

Keep reading to find out how Cassie’s journey with The Sleep teacher led her and her family to sleep success.  

Unfortunately, Cassie didn’t have the most seamless start to motherhood.

"Our first born had a lot of issues; undiagnosed CMPA for the first 4 months, reflux, and she was in need of grommets and having her adenoids looked at. She never fit into the medical boxes for symptoms of any of these things, so we were always written off as first-time parents" Cassie explained.

That’s a lot for anyone to take on, especially first-time parents. Add interrupted sleep into the mix and you have one cranky bub and two very exhausted parents!

"We were lucky to get 4 hours of sleep a night due to tag teaming our little monkey" she stated.

Exhausted and feeling helpless, Cassie reached out to friends and family for support. When a close friend of hers expressed that she was working with The Sleep Teacher, Cassie began her own research, exploring The Sleep Teacher's offerings.

Optimistically curious and in a last-ditch effort to bring functionality back into her family’s routine, she decided to go ahead and purchase a sleep program, and boy is she glad she did!

While she knew they still had quite the journey ahead of them, after months of inconsistent sleep and regular night interruptions, Cassie couldn’t believe how she was able to bring some normalcy back into her family’s life, thanks to her Sleep Teacher sleep program.

"Now, it wasn’t our light at the end of the tunnel, because sleep training wasn’t going to fix any of the above-mentioned things, but my God did it help our family and my sanity!" Cassie said.

 Not only did our sleep program help to regulate her little one’s routine, but it also armed Cassie with the confidence and skills needed to combat an unsettled babe anytime, anywhere.

"Even with such an unsettled bubba I still learnt how to help her settle herself to sleep-unfortunately due to those issues, her sleep was just frequently disturbed, but it gave me the ability to get her into a routine and troubleshoot when we had to leave the house" she said.

When Cassie welcomed her second baby, a beautiful little boy, back in February, she was able to take on the Sleep Teachers' advice and work on bubs' sleep early on, establishing a productive sleep routine by 12 weeks!

"At 12 weeks, the little dude was in a routine and popping himself off to sleep like a champ! Sometimes he just needs a few cuddles to complete his naps" she said

12 months on, and Cassie now has a little girl that sleeps 12 hours a night, and a five-month-old that rocks at self-settling! Music to our ears.

Cassie couldn’t speak highly enough about her experience with The Sleep Teacher.

"I rave about you guys! I know some family members around me think I’m sleep crazy, but my husband and I couldn’t be more thankful for the knowledge and confidence. The fact that we just spent a week away, at multiple different houses and all sleeping in one room and didn’t have a single hiccup is credit enough!" she expressed.

Our principles and practices are now ingrained in all that she does, and we love to see it.

"Words I live my life by consistency, wind down routine and white noise! I use my key words EVERY SINGLE DAY for both our kids, so they know when a nap or bedtime is coming. I even have a phrase for our toddler when she needs a bit of downtime in the morning but not a nap, and she will happily lie in her cot with a dummy and her teddies chilling to her white noise for 20 minutes, rejuvenating!"

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank you, and you need to know how much I want to squeeze all of you for giving us our sleep back. Hugs, hugs, hugs!” Cassie expressed.


It's stories like Cassie's that spark so much joy for us here at The Sleep Teacher. Sleep is fundamental, and we want to help everyone get the sleep they deserve!

We are here for you every step of the way. Our sleep programs are designed to help you and bub establish the best sleep routine that works for you. Or for more unique circumstances why not consider a one-on-one sleep consult.

We look forward to assisting your journey to achieving sleep success! 

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