Baby & Toddler Sleep Tips for a Happy Holiday Season
The holiday season is here! For many of us, that means late nights, gatherings, and plenty of family visits—exciting but challenging times when you have a baby or toddler in tow. To help you and your little one enjoy a happy Christmas, here are some practical sleep tips to navigate this festive season with ease.
1. Keep Consistent Nap Times
With a busy schedule, naps can easily get off track. Try your best to stick to regular nap times, even during outings. It may mean some shorter and additional naps but to avoid an overtired bub we are all for it!
2. Create a Portable Sleep Environment
Bring along your child’s favourite sleep items, like their sleeping bag, white noise sound machine (this is our fave), or comforter. These comforting items will help them feel secure and signal that it’s time for sleep, no matter where you are.
3. Plan for Quiet Time
With new faces, and lots of excitement, your little one might get overstimulated easily. Schedule some quiet time to wind down before rest time. Stick to your usual bedtime routine even if you’re away from home. Familiar rituals, like bath time or a story, signal to your little one that sleep is coming soon, making the transition smoother.
4. Take Advantage of Early Bedtimes 🎅
During the holidays, it’s tempting to let your little one stay up to join the festivities. However, sticking to an early bedtime especially after a big day or a day of not so great naps will keep them well-rested and happy. Plus, once they’re asleep, you can enjoy the evening with family and friends!
5. Use White Noise
If you’re in a bustling home full of people, using a sound app or white noise machine like our shooshie can help drown out the holiday noise, making it easier for your child to fall asleep and stay asleep.
6. Teach your baby to self settle
This one may feel out of reach this close to Christmas but even prioritising bedtime and showing your little one an independent way of self settling for a few days in the lead up to holidays will make all the difference. After a day of overstimulation sometimes some space in a safe environment can be exactly what your little one is craving. If you need helo with this, our sleep guides are the perfect place to start
7. Set Realistic Expectations
The holiday season is filled with excitement, and routines may shift slightly. Accept that there might be a few off nights, and focus on getting back to your regular routine after the festivities. 80/20 is a great rule of thumb.
8. Enjoy the Moment
Christmas with little ones is full of precious memories. While sleep is important, so is enjoying these moments together. Embrace the little holiday hiccups, and remember that getting back on track is always possible.
Navigating the holiday season with a baby or toddler can be challenging. Our sleep guides provide advice on sleep routines, tips for travel, and ways to build healthy sleep habits, all designed to help you enjoy a restful Christmas with your family.