blogs + advice
Bedtime should be a calm and natural process for your child, but just like teaching your child to toilet train or feed themselves, you need to teach them to sleep. We're here to support you in enjoying sleep time, with guidance from qualified sleep teachers.
Blogs + Advice
Is 7pm-7am the ultimate goal when it comes to b...
Is 7pm-7am the goal? Well, in an ideal world, yes it would be AMAZING, but its also not realistic for alot of bubs. Our goal for our little ones overnight...
Is 7pm-7am the ultimate goal when it comes to b...
Is 7pm-7am the goal? Well, in an ideal world, yes it would be AMAZING, but its also not realistic for alot of bubs. Our goal for our little ones overnight...
When can my baby link sleep cycles?
If we had a dollar for every time we got asked this question.... Well… Firstly, it’s important to know that catnapping is biologically normal and age appropriate. It’s also important...
When can my baby link sleep cycles?
If we had a dollar for every time we got asked this question.... Well… Firstly, it’s important to know that catnapping is biologically normal and age appropriate. It’s also important...
The best baby travel cots of 2024
Picking a travel cot or porta cot can feel SO overwhelming, there are so many designs on the market and they can all seem so similar. So we thought, we...
The best baby travel cots of 2024
Picking a travel cot or porta cot can feel SO overwhelming, there are so many designs on the market and they can all seem so similar. So we thought, we...
Red flags when it comes to your babies sleep
Before looking at how we can improve or make changes to our bubs sleep habits, we always need to address any potential red flags! What are red flags? We use...
Red flags when it comes to your babies sleep
Before looking at how we can improve or make changes to our bubs sleep habits, we always need to address any potential red flags! What are red flags? We use...
What is the 2,3,4 baby sleep routine?
The 2, 3, 4 routine Have you ever heard of the 2, 3, 4 routine? Are you doing it at the moment with your little one? After around 4-5...
What is the 2,3,4 baby sleep routine?
The 2, 3, 4 routine Have you ever heard of the 2, 3, 4 routine? Are you doing it at the moment with your little one? After around 4-5...
Baby wearing
At The Sleep Teacher, we are not just about putting your baby down to sleep. In fact, we promote a whole range of ways to have your baby getting the...
Baby wearing
At The Sleep Teacher, we are not just about putting your baby down to sleep. In fact, we promote a whole range of ways to have your baby getting the...