Ep7: The Dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression & How To Get Through It

Ep7: The Dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression & How To Get Through It

Did you previously have a baby who slept really well and now you’re wondering if they might be broken? 

Are they waking every 2 hours overnight? Catnapping through the day? Or for some reason you just can’t get them to sleep longer than 40 minutes? 

 …You may have hit the 4 month sleep regression! It is probably the MOST talked about thing in the realm of sleep and parenting. 

 Now, you may have heard terrible stories from other mums or have been researching like crazy. There is NO NEED to be anxious or stressed about it. It is a developmental milestone and we like to think of it as a progression in your bub’s sleep rather than a ‘regression’. 

Just a reminder… All these night wakes and short naps are COMPLETELY NORMAL. You are not doing anything wrong. Today we’re going to be setting some realistic expectations around it and guide you on how best to get through it. You are not alone! 

 You’ll hear:

✨What to expect and our TOP TIPS on how to navigate it 

✨The million dollar question… When will it END? 
✨What AWAKE windows are and why they are your NEW best friend 

… and a whole lot more!

 If you’re looking for some more guidance Get the 4-12 month Sleep Guide here

And this week's recommendation for our Midnight Mummas is Jury Duty which Beck has been watching on Prime, if you’ve got something you think that we should be watching head over to Instagram and let us know! 

Are you currently in the trenches? We got you Mumma!

  • Download our FREE 5 Steps to Sleep Success Guide here
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