EP2: Your Sleep Q&A - Daycare, Travelling Overseas and Transitions

EP2: Your Sleep Q&A - Daycare, Travelling Overseas and Transitions

Each month we choose some of the most popular questions and deep dive into WHY we recommend the changes and adjustments and how to troubleshoot these if you’ve tried and it’s not working for you yet!


In today’s episode, we break down three questions (along with some sneaky tips on the side). So if you’re planning on travelling with your little cherub soon, are entering the daycare era or are wanting to know more about nap transitions, we’ve got you!


You’ll hear:

  • Our top tips to set you up for SUCCESS with DAYCARE NAPS (from an educators perspective)
  • How to TRAVEL with a baby across TIMEZONES
  • Everything you need to know about TRANSITIONING from 3 to 2 NAPS and troubleshooting FALSE STARTS
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