Dropping your toddlers day nap - when and how

Dropping your toddlers day nap - when and how

Saying Goodbye to your toddler’s nap!

Let's be real, the thought of dropping your toddler's nap can be a bit daunting, but fear not, here's a glimpse into this transition and how to navigate it smoothly.

Ideal age to consider dropping the nap: Around 2.5-3 years old is often a good time to start considering the drop.


Signs your toddler is ready may include:

* Taking forever to fall asleep at nap time (after 2 pm)

* Resisting the nap, opting to play in their room

* Bedtime battles, pushing bedtime past 7-7.30 pm

* Earlier wake-ups in the morning

* Staying happily awake until bedtime without a nap

* No more sleepy car rides

Tips on how to ease into dropping the nap:

* Reducing the nap down: Begin by cutting the nap to 1 hour, then reduce to 45 minutes, followed by 30 minutes, and eventually eliminate it.

* Catch up naps: Expect your child to need occasional "catch-up" naps. This might be 30 mins every couple of days. Embrace these moments and enjoy a cuppa!

* Adjustment period: If night wakings increase when you first drop the nap, consider offering a catch-up nap every second day and then gradually phase it out.

* Quiet Time: On no nap days, introduce "quiet time" where your toddler can recharge. Set expectations that it's not about sleep but relaxation. Some colouring or some books can work wonders.

* Earlier bedtime: On those first days of no naps we want to bring bedtime forward as your toddler adjusts, you can then start to push bedtime out later again.


The days can feel long with no nap but we want to protect that lovely overnight sleep at all costs 🤍🤍


If you need help dropping the nap or with any toddler sleep issues book a consult here or view our toddler sleep guide here. 

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