What is the 2,3,4 baby sleep routine?

What is the 2,3,4 baby sleep routine?

The 2, 3, 4 routine 
Have you ever heard of the 2, 3, 4 routine? Are you doing it at the moment with your little one?
After around 4-5 months, your baby's awake windows will change throughout the day, no longer following the exact same windows from morning to night.
By between 8-9 months and if your baby is on 2 naps, you can start to follow what we call the 2, 3, 4 routine.
This means:
2.5 hours awake between waking and first nap
3 hours awake between 1st nap and 2nd nap
4 hours awake between 2nd nap and bedtime
The 2, 3, 4 routine can hang around for quite some time until bubs is ready to extend that last awake window closer to 4.5 hours or until nap 1 is dropped between 14-18 months.
This 2, 3, 4 method is most suitable for bubs who are on a short long nap routine.
Every baby is unique, and you might discover that a different schedule works better for your little one. If you're facing challenges with your baby's naps or nighttime sleep while they are on two naps, consider giving the 2, 3, 4 routine a try!
If you would like to use the routines we recommend with our clients you can purchase them here
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