blogs + advice
Bedtime should be a calm and natural process for your child, but just like teaching your child to toilet train or feed themselves, you need to teach them to sleep. We're here to support you in enjoying sleep time, with guidance from qualified sleep teachers.
Blogs + Advice
Tips for Taking your Baby in the Car
Taking your baby in the car is one of those stressful situations that all mums have tried to avoid for the longest time. Because we know that going anywhere with...
Tips for Taking your Baby in the Car
Taking your baby in the car is one of those stressful situations that all mums have tried to avoid for the longest time. Because we know that going anywhere with...
The Terrible Twos and Beyond
Ahh the terrible twos. They're something everyone has heard about, whether you have a child or not! From the age of two and beyond (yes the terrible twos do last...
The Terrible Twos and Beyond
Ahh the terrible twos. They're something everyone has heard about, whether you have a child or not! From the age of two and beyond (yes the terrible twos do last...
How To Survive Witching Hour
I'm almost 100% sure that you would've experienced or at least heard of the "witching hour". If you haven't, the "witching hour" is known as a time in the evening...
How To Survive Witching Hour
I'm almost 100% sure that you would've experienced or at least heard of the "witching hour". If you haven't, the "witching hour" is known as a time in the evening...
Should You Wake a Sleeping Baby?
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘never wake a sleeping baby’? I know I have! and I am sure you’ve found yourself wondering whether or not to wake your baby...
Should You Wake a Sleeping Baby?
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘never wake a sleeping baby’? I know I have! and I am sure you’ve found yourself wondering whether or not to wake your baby...
Tips & Tricks: Wind Down Ritual
I started The Sleep Teacher because I know how debilitating sleep deprivation is, but I also know how easily it can be fixed. I know the tips and tricks to...
Tips & Tricks: Wind Down Ritual
I started The Sleep Teacher because I know how debilitating sleep deprivation is, but I also know how easily it can be fixed. I know the tips and tricks to...
Introducing and Using a comforter
Introducing and using a comforter - is it something you should try? I'm here to tell you that it absolutely is! A comforter is not only your littles one's piece...
Introducing and Using a comforter
Introducing and using a comforter - is it something you should try? I'm here to tell you that it absolutely is! A comforter is not only your littles one's piece...